This comment captures a common sentiment from business owners and CEOs.
So when, and why, does a company need a CFO? Just as no two companies are exactly alike, the answers to these questions are different for each company. Some people believe the answer is directly related to the revenue size of the company, and that is part of the answer. However, a better answer is that the need for a CFO is tied to the complexity of the company’s operations (including both volume of activity AND dollars generated).
As the volume and velocity of revenues, products/services, customers, employees, and locations increase, a CFO becomes more of a necessity, not a luxury, for a business to be successful.
You may just need someone to organize your team and help you set off in the right direction, and then review your business periodically, or you may need a more continuous partner. Viewpoint works with you to make that determination and act in your best interests. Many firms view the average length of engagements as a marker of success. We view the success of our clients as the measure of our success. Which would you prefer?
During a Fractional engagement, Viewpoint joins your leadership team. If you are unsure what level of involvement and insight you need, Viewpoint has developed multiple engagement models to help you get started.